Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, and also make a very decent thriller
Director: Steven Soderburgh
Screenwriter: Scott Z. Burns
Cast: Matt Damon, Laurence
Fishburne, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jennifer Ehle & Marion Cotillard
A virulent and highly deadly
virus spreads across the globe after an initial breakout in South East Asia. As
mortality rates rise and rise and chaos takes hold on the streets, the US
Centre of Disease Control and the World Health Organisation struggle to find a
Running Time: 106m 15s
Certificate: 12A - Contains moderate physical and psychological threat
and brief medical gore
One of the messages of Contagion is that public hysteria is as
dangerous as a vicious, international virus. Funny then that it’s being
released in cold and flu season, as this quietly unnerving film will never let
you look at coughs and sneezes in the same way ever again.